LOS ANGELES, Feb. 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — N95 masks are considered the gold standard in personal protective equipment since the N95 filters 95% of large and small particles. Boston Medical Center physicians state that in just four weeks these masks could end the pandemic in the US if worn widely by the general public. A former FDA commissioner argues that higher quality masks are a simple step that could make a big difference. The head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) says a well fitted N95 is the best you can do. In fact, European airlines are now requiring these high filtration masks in order to travel.

COVID Educator and former network Chief Medical correspondent Bob Arnot MD says:
“With the rapid spread of this COVID variant and airborne nature, a high filtration mask like the N95 is vital to enhance protection for the general public. This is especially true for front line workers from teachers to firemen who have not been able to obtain this high level of protection. Masking with low quality cloth have produced modest results at best. High filtration like the N95 could dramatically reduce the number of new infections combined with improved indoor air quality.”
The problem? Lack of supply. One year into the pandemic hospitals and the public still struggle to find enough N95s. Now AirQueen.com announces the availability over 100 million masks a month, helping to end the supply problem for not only frontline workers, but also to make high level protection masks available to the general public. Airqueen.com is a leading supplier of consumer hi-filtration masks in the USA with an average filtration of over 97%, which is even higher filtration than the N95. The Air Queen mask is classified as an N95 substantial equivalent by the FDA and after rigorous testing by Nelson Labs Air Queen achieved a 510K clearance.
Produced by TopTec a leading South Korean manufacturer, the AirQueen mask is a revolutionary new filter technology which uses a highly advanced nano-fibre material to provide extreme protection while simultaneously allowing for advanced breathability and comfort. The AirQueen is so protective it is approved for use during surgical procedure.
Authentic Air Queen masks available at the official airqueen.com site
Media Contact:
Ian Wilson
SOURCE AirQueen.com